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Quincy, Illinois, in collaboration with the Tri-States Civil War Round Table (Missouri, Illinois and Iowa) is presenting its second annual Civil War Symposium, “Lincoln, Grant, Twain and Guerilla Warfare in Northeast Missouri.” A great slate of speakers including Tim... Continue Reading
On July 23, 1885, at a rented cabin in Mt. McGregor, New York, Union General and President Ulysses Grant passed away after a long and painful fight with throat cancer. Back “home” in Missouri, at the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site near St. Louis, the Ulysses... Continue Reading
June 29th is the date: Ft. Donelson National Battlefield, Dover, Tennessee, is hosting a re-enactment group from Missouri that honors the memory of the Eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry (Union). The men of the real-life regiment, mostly Irishmen and mostly recruited in St.... Continue Reading
The Missouri Humanities Council (in collaboration with the U. S. Grant Trail) will be conducting its 6th Annual U. S. Grant Symposium, this year in St. Louis. The event is hosted by the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in Downtown St. Louis and will be held on Friday, August 9,... Continue Reading
To be dedicated on Thursday, April 18, 2019: An educational panel on the site of the home of John B. and Mary Henderson, now part of the campus of Harris-Stowe State University. The marker is a celebration of the lives of St. Louisans who, during the years surrounding the... Continue Reading
A hundred and fifty six years after he left home town Louisiana to serve in the United States Senate, John Brooks Henderson will receive his due on July 4, 2018. This Independence Day, the citizens of Louisiana will dedicate a bust of Henderson that is being placed on a hilltop... Continue Reading
The One-Armed Terror Cobb had been able to sneak away while the Union troops were raiding his farm in Montgomery County. His knack for slipping past Union troops unnoticed was surprising, considering he was described as a “mountaineer… forty-five years old- six feet tall,... Continue Reading
Prior to 1861, Alvin Cobb of Montgomery County, Missouri was a farmer who was locally known as “one-arm Alvin.” The missing limb having been lost in an accident; although the details remain unclear. Cobb started his Civil War military career as a Captain in the Missouri State... Continue Reading
For the last 35 years of his life, Pete McCullough lived quietly in Mexico, Missouri. However, he will be forever known for his decision made long before he moved to Missouri. Called the “Hanging Judge of Andersonville” McCullough gained national notoriety.... Continue Reading