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Battle of Bryam’s Ford

Battle on 10/22/64 by Union troops to delay Shelby’s advance on Kansas City, and was opening operation in the Battle of Westport. Defended by CSA troops under J.S. Marmaduke on 10/23/64 to block Pleasonton’s cavalry’s approach to Westport.

Battle of Island No. 10

Union forces commanded by John Pope, including a flotilla of ironclads under the command of Adm. Andrew Foote, captured the Confederate stronghold of Island No. 10 (several miles southeast of New Madrid) on April 8, 1862. The battle site has been obliterated by the meanderings of...

Battle of Pilot Knob

“The Thermopylae of the West,” so named in a definitive study published in 1914, was fought on September 26-27, 1864. The battle ended with a ferocious and unsuccessful Confederate assault on Fort Davidson. (See Fort Davidson SHS)