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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Greg Wolk, Author at Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Quincy, Illinois, in collaboration with the Tri-States Civil War Round Table (Missouri, Illinois and Iowa) is presenting its second annual Civil War Symposium, “Lincoln, Grant, Twain and Guerilla Warfare in Northeast Missouri.”  A great slate of speakers including Tim...


On July 23, 1885, at a rented cabin in Mt. McGregor, New York, Union General and President Ulysses Grant passed away after a long and painful fight with throat cancer.  Back “home” in Missouri, at the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site near St. Louis, the Ulysses...

Missouri’s Own 8th Infantry to be Featured at Ft. Donelson

June 29th is the date: Ft. Donelson National Battlefield, Dover, Tennessee, is hosting a re-enactment group from Missouri that honors the memory of the Eighth Missouri Volunteer Infantry (Union).  The men of the real-life regiment, mostly Irishmen and mostly recruited in St....

A Nation at a Tomb

The Missouri Humanities Council (in collaboration with the U. S. Grant Trail) will be conducting its 6th Annual U. S. Grant Symposium, this year in St. Louis.  The event is hosted by the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in Downtown St. Louis and will be held on Friday, August 9,...

New Civil War Marker Honors “Long Roads to Freedom”

To be dedicated on Thursday, April 18, 2019:  An educational panel on the site of the home of John B. and Mary Henderson, now part of the campus of Harris-Stowe State University.  The marker is a celebration of the lives of St. Louisans who, during the years surrounding the...

U. S. Grant Trail co-hosts a Pulitzer Prize Event

The Pulitzer Prize is one hundred years old.  Thanks to the Missouri Humanities Council for sponsoring a centennial celebration tour, funded by the Pulitzer Prize Board, in the Soulard neighborhood of St. Louis. Full details are on the Pulitzer Prize website:...


The third segment of the U. S. Grant Trail is now complete.     Travelers can now follow Grant’s life and career from Hannibal, Missouri to Paducah, Kentucky. The U. S. Grant Trail is a joint project of Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation and the Missouri...

Louisiana Area Historical Museum preserving Civil War flag

The Louisiana Area Historical Museum of Louisiana, Missouri is in the process of preserving a Confederate flag that has been donated to it. The flag belonged to Col. Joseph C. Porter’s 1st Northeast Missouri Calvary. After preservation efforts are completed, thanks to a grant...

Civil War Missouri Volunteers 1864 Documents for Auction

On May 21st, 2016 Bremo Auctions will conduct a live online auction of Civil War documents.  The documents include a handwritten, seven page report to the Missouri Union Adjutant General John B. Gray concerning the movements, actions and battles of the 11th Missouri Volunteer...

Dedication of U.S. Grant Trail Site and Historic Marker in Hannibal

On Friday, May 6 at 1:30 p.m. the Old Baptist Cemetery in Hannibal dedicates the U.S. Grant Trail Site and Historic Marker in Hannibal. The cemetery is located on the intersection of N. Section and Summer St. in Hannibal. The event is sponsored by Missouri’s Civil War...