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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation For Members and Donors - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Archived by the Library of Congress (mocivilwar.org, 2011)  
Richard S. Brownlee Fund Award The State Historical Society of Missouri (Gray Ghosts Trail, 2012)  
First Six-Star site of Civil War Interactive, acknowledged as "… beyond being the best Civil War tourism site on the Internet. In our opinion it qualifies as one of the best Civil War sites - period." (mocivilwar.org, 2003)  
Mercury Award of the U.S. Travel Association for "best use of technology in a tourism marketing campaign (mocivilwar.org, 2004)  



National Park Service, American Battlefield Protection Program, Grant to conduct survey of the battlefield at Moore’s Mill, Callaway County, Missouri (2012)  
Missouri Humanities Council, Match funding for the first segment of the U. S. Grant Trail map and fulfillment contract (2012)  
Missouri Division of Tourism, Match funding for advertising, Gray Ghosts Trail (2012)  
The Gertrude and William Bernoudy Foundation, Funding for marketing and community outreach, U. S. Grant Trail (2010)  
Missouri Civil War Reenactors Association, Funding for U. S. Grant Trail Map (2012)  
St. Louis County Economic Council, Match Funding for multiple educational panels (2011)  
Ulysses S. Grant Association, Charter member, U. S. Grant Trail  
CivilWarTraveler.com (Page One Publishing), Joint marketing agreement


Membership in Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation is available for two types of organizations.

TRAIL COMMUNITIES are municipalities, and tourism agencies or business organizations representing municipalities, which are principal sponsors of Civil War Trails segments, present and future. Benefits include access to national internet marketing facilities and distribution of local tourism brochures and information.

NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS that focus on the study of Civil War history and preservation, including descendent organizations. The principal benefit of membership is access to this award-winning website to post news stories and meetings information, and help in publicizing projects.

For full information about benefits and costs of membership, please contact us at members@mocivilwar.org.


To continue its work, Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation needs the active support of individual donors and of foundations, companies and other givers which promote economic development, preservation of historic structures and open spaces, education through archeology, and sustainable tourism.

For more information, Click Here to go to our Donor page.

Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation is a fully qualified 501(c)(3) educational organization, Tax ID Number 43-1930464. Donations are tax deductible.