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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Battlefield Archaeology Findings of Moore's Mill Revealed - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Battlefield Archaeology Findings of Moore’s Mill Revealed

Dr. Douglas Scott and Dr. Steve Dasovich To Hold Presentation at Westminster College

Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri will host a presentation by battlefield archeologist Dr. Douglas Scott and Dr. Steve Dasovich, professor and Director of the Archeological Research Program at Lindenwood University, on May 2nd at 4:00 pm. Drs. Scott and Dasovich will unveil the findings from last year’s archeological survey of the Civil War battlefield at Moore’s Mill in Callaway County, Missouri.

The battle of Moore’s Mill, the largest Civil War battle in Callaway County, took place on July 28th, 1862 when Union Commander Col. Odon Guitar tried to break the Confederate line established by Col. Joseph Porter and his recruits near Auxvasse Creek, seven miles east of Fulton. After four hours of fighting, the Confederate forces retreated under severe shelling from Union artillery.

On March 22-23, 2013, volunteers and students from Westminster College, Lindenwood University, and Missouri Valley College in Marshall participated in a field survey of the Moore’s Mill battlefield. The survey was supervised by Scott and Dasovich, assisted by Dr. Cinnamon Brown, Westminster College Assistant Professor of History, and Dr. Peter Warnock of Missouri Valley College.

The findings of this survey will be the topic of Scott’s and Dasovich’s talk, including the types of artillery used by both sides as well as where the opposing lines were.

Missouri’s Civil War Heritage Foundation of St. Louis organized the field survey with the help of a local affiliate, Kingdom of Callaway Civil War Heritage, and obtained the federal grant that funded the effort.

Find out more from Westminster College here.

moore's mill westminster college


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