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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation April 29, 2014 - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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ulysses s grant

May 3, 2014 Is Ulysses S. Grant Day in St. Louis

 U.S. Grant Symposium Continues with Lectures and Tours  ST. LOUIS, MO. April 28, 2014 – St. Louis Mayor Francis G. Slay has declared May 3, 2014 to be “ULYSSES S. GRANT DAY” in the City of St. Louis.  The Proclamation is an acknowledgment that St. Louis played...
moore's mill westminster college

Battlefield Archaeology Findings of Moore’s Mill Revealed

Dr. Douglas Scott and Dr. Steve Dasovich To Hold Presentation at Westminster College Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri will host a presentation by battlefield archeologist Dr. Douglas Scott and Dr. Steve Dasovich, professor and Director of the Archeological Research Program...