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Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation Camden County to Host Civil War Reenactment - Missouri's Civil War Heritage Foundation

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Camden County to Host Civil War Reenactment

Camden County in Missouri is enlisting the help of the City of Osage Beach to put on a Civil War Reenactment.  Reenactments in the past have promoted tourism and helped boost the economy in the area.  This event follows the society losing its state funding, thus prompting help from the City of Osage Beach.  Their board generously granted 2,000 dollars to offset some of the costs of the event.

The event will be held the last weekend of May: Saturday and Sunday, May 30 and 31.  Saturday, the event will go from 9am-5pm.  On Sunday, the event will be from 8am-4pm.  Both days, the reenactment will be held at the Missouri Trapshooters Range.  See the link below for directions and parking information.


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